Welcome to Amazon Mentoring!

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The Amazon Mentoring Program was established to support and encourage employee growth, provide opportunities for skill building, facilitate cross-organizational understanding, and improve social networks across Amazon. Get ready to fuel your career with Amazon Mentoring! Join us now to develop personal and professional relationships with others in our organization who can help you learn and grow. You will be able to indicate whether you would like to participate in “one-time” or “ongoing” mentoring after you fill out your profile.

Mentoring is critical to employee development, satisfaction, and retention and is the process of sharing information from a more experienced employee to a new, or less skilled employee with the goal of career advancement.

One-time Mentoring 
One-time mentoring allows Amazonians to schedule a single session with a mentor to network, work though a current challenge, or quickly gain knowledge and insights needed in the moment. In addition, one-time mentoring is used as a first-step in determining fit between a mentor and mentee, prior to shifting into an ongoing connection.

Ongoing Mentoring
Ongoing mentoring offers Amazonians an opportunity to find a partner to support their professional development through a formalized six-month mentoring connection.  

Check out what Amazon's leaders saying about mentoring:

Why Become a Mentor?

A mentor is a guide. A friend. A resource who helps pave the way for others to succeed. It’s not about having all the right answers. Your role as a mentor is to inspire, encourage, and support your mentee, contributing to their development through thoughtful conversation and consultation.

Why Become a Mentee?

With the help of a mentor, you can gain new knowledge and skillsets that can broaden your career opportunities and personal networks for advancement. As a mentee, gain the confidence necessary to tackle short and long-term goals, navigate challenges, and accelerate your growth.

One of the greatest values of mentors is the ability to see ahead what others cannot see and to help them navigate a course to their destination. - John C. Maxwell